Survival vs. Arrival

Your brain is amazing. It has all kinds of important jobs. One of its most important jobs is to keep you alive. The part of your brain that helps keep you alive is called your amygdala. We can also call it your survival brain because it helps you survive by warning you of danger or helping you make choices that will keep you alive.

Another important job your brain has is to solve problems and think about the future. The part of your brain that helps you solve problems and think about the future is called your prefrontal cortex. We can also call it your arrival brain because it thinks about where you want to arrive in life, who you want to be, and what goals you’d like to achieve.

You want your arrival brain and your survival brain to work together as a team. If one is taking too much control then the other one will have a hard time doing its job. It is important to understand when it’s best for you to use your survival brain and when it’s best for you to use your arrival brain. 

When do you need your survival brain? 

When do you need your arrival brain?

Rachel Walton