Allowing Urges

An urge or impulse is a sudden, involuntary inclination, prompting us to action. It’s something not a single human being on this planet can escape. It comes from our primitive brain (our survival brain) which is wired for the purposes of ensuring our survival and that of our species. 

But sometimes it misfires. It has us thinking that some things are VERY important when indeed they are not. It sometimes tells us that if we don’t eat that delicious smelling cookie we may die. It sometimes tells us we should conserve our energy by sitting on the couch watching Netflix and scrolling Instagram all day. 

Sometimes the urge is so strong we almost start to believe that it is out of our control. But, it never is. We always have a choice. We have 100% control. We have a pre-frontal cortex (Arrival Brain) that allows us to consider the long term effects of our actions. It helps remind us of where we’d like to end up and what behaviors will get us there, and which ones won’t.  

Expect urges. Don’t judge them as bad or wrong. Just realize that they will always come up for you. Don’t make it mean that you are bad, or weak. See them as a chance to utilize and strengthen your Arrival Brain. You are human. Embrace your humanity and work on your evolution with patience and compassion.

Rachel Walton