The Crystal Ball
Look into your future. What do you see? It may sound a bit out there but what if it wasn’t? You’ve created your present. Your present (your education, your job, your home, your relationships, etc…) are results made by a series of actions you took. You took those actions because of your feelings. Those feelings came from your thoughts. So, if you’ve created your present then why not spend some serious time and thought on creating your future?
Anything you create starts out as a thought right down to the breakfast you had this morning. This morning I made myself some peppermint tea. I thought, “I want tea”. I felt confident that I could make that happen so I took action. I gathered all of the things I needed and went through the motions of making tea. And then, I enjoyed my tea. It’s really that simple.
But most of the time, we are so focused on our day to day that we forget to see our future. We don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what we want to create. When we don’t think about it we don’t create a feeling of confidence that we can make it happen. If we don’t have the feeling, we won’t take action. We can’t get a desired result unless we take action. I’m not saying we should abandon our day to day altogether. I love my tea. All I am saying is that if we allocate some serious time envisioning what we want for our future, the future we envision is entirely within our reach. Stop letting your life happen and start making it happen!